Acoustic Solo / Vocal Performance: The Guy & The Guitar
From 2002-2013 the main focus was solo guitar and vocal performance. No band, no backup, just me, myself and an acoustic guitar with mic & Fender Acoustasonic amplifier. Sometimes up to 6-7 hours at a clip playing with virtually no break, performances were
truly grueling; recalling times when a crowd was screaming and the right picking hand was just swinging up and down for song after
song after song knowing that the end will come eventually and everyone including the entertainer will be happy and go back home to sleep and rest to do it the next day and night. Sometimes coming home with $2,200+ in cash from 3 gigs in 2 days, etc. these are
times never to be forgotten for all the right reasons for the crowd and the singer...
truly grueling; recalling times when a crowd was screaming and the right picking hand was just swinging up and down for song after
song after song knowing that the end will come eventually and everyone including the entertainer will be happy and go back home to sleep and rest to do it the next day and night. Sometimes coming home with $2,200+ in cash from 3 gigs in 2 days, etc. these are
times never to be forgotten for all the right reasons for the crowd and the singer...